Getting Forex Tradings Signals from P&F Charts

Thursday, April 3, 2008 |

I get my forex trading signals from P&F charts.

It is very simple. I scan every currency pairs P&F chart. Then when I see a possible reversal like a new 2 or 3 box reversal. Then I take the trade. I try to avoid reversals where the price has not moved away for a long time from the reversal point.

As for any existing trade. I add up to current trades where I see that the boxes are continuing in my direction. But I lesson the size of the lot relative to the initial trade. That way even if I lose on the suceeding trades, I would still come out a winner from the first winning trades.

I close my trade whenever I see a reversal.

Thats it. It is very simple that it makes me cringe just seeing it win. I have only tried it for a few weeks but I am very satisfied with tha simple trading system.

Check out my results by clicking here.